Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spoilers for Ultimate Comics Ultimates # 4

Spoilers on for Ultimate Comics Ultimates # 4 by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic.

We last left the book with Thor teleporting into the faux Future Foundation's floating city in order to avenge the fallen Asgardians.

He wreaks havoc within the city and manages to save the new Captain Britain, Jamie Braddock. Bad luck strikes though as Thor gets to confront the city's "Knife", their executioner and killer.

He gets beaten in a semi-fair fight and gets beaten some more for the enjoyment of the mysterious leader.

Thor and Captain Britain then gets sent home with their tails tucked between their legs but not before Thor reverts to his old psyhotic self who rants and talks to himself. This time though we get to see what he's seeing and that includes the All-Father Odin.

Here's a bit of news Ultimate Thor is actually the ultimate version of Valhalla now. He's also the representation of Asgard.

Upon doubling back to his comrades, Thor reveals the identity of their new opponent. And it's none other than Ultimate Reed Richards.

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