Saturday, July 9, 2011

Spoilers for Flashpoint # 3

Comic book spoilers for Flashpoint # 3 by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert.

- The book opens with Cyborg talking to Barack Obama and we see a snippet of the new "Element Woman" lurking in Cyborg's lair...

- Barry Allen gets his powers back thanks to his motto "Get speed or die tryin'".
- He manages to save Thomas Wayne Batman from getting impaled.
- Batman and the Flash team up with Cyborg to look for Superman.
- They infiltrate Project: Superman and encounter the grisly remains of Krypto aka Subject 2...

This deeply breaks Barry's heart....

- Lois Lane loses communication with Cyborg as she is still stranded in New Themiscyra and being hunted by the Amazons.

- She encounters Etrigan the Demon before getting introduced to the Resistance led by Wildstorm's Grifter...

- Flash, Batman and Cyborg finally find where Kal-El has been hidden. And he looks horrible....

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